Posted July 9, 2013 at 12:07 pm
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Click to Enlarge"];_;[/caption]

When I was working in San Fransisco, my office was actually right across the street from the CNET building.  This was before

It wasn't until the site was well established that I was introduced to the personalities of Whiskey Media by a co-worker. Since then, I've pretty much have had their videos and podcasts running on a side monitor at all hours while I work. I like having that noise as it reminded me of my times growing up and playing video games with my friends late into the night; Something adulthood hasn't had nearly enough supply of in comparison.

That's why I feel like I've lost a friend with Ryan Davis's passing even though we've never so much as exchanged a word. I've always wanted to get together a quick sketch or a fan art for those guys as a thank you. After all, I love getting fan art myself. I had fun making the above one, it's just a shame it took loss to get me to take the time to do it.

You're already missed, Ryan. I hope where ever you are, it's TUUUUUUUESDAY.

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