Posted September 3, 2013 at 01:01 pm
(Gonna talk a lot 'bout my experiences as a new dad in this rant. Just a heads up.)

I see people online who are quite vocal at hating new parents. Why do these new baby-makers suddenly seem like their whole life revolves around the new addition? Well, because they pretty much HAVE to. The little buggers require lots and lots of attention. There's a reason most jobs offer paid leave with new parents.

As social humans, we talk about what's going on in our lives and what media we consume. A fresh set of parents only have one thing going on in their lives, and they're certainly not consuming any new media. As a result, the only thing we can talk about is this kid we're trying to keep alive. Hell, we're giving up weeks of sleep trying to do it.

I really do miss sleep.

When the kid first starts out, from the dad side of things, there isn't a lot of engagement. The kid is just sorta there and he needs stuff from you. Your payment is the child's continued prosperity and a helping of screaming. In the case of our son, Aidan, he becomes upset if he's alone. My wife is more than happy to be with him all day to fill that need, but I for some reason didn't feel that way. I felt like there's this thing that hates me and no matter what I do for it, I'm apparently causing it great discomfort.

You will put up with amazing amounts of frustration and pain for someone you truly care for without flinching. That's what I saw in my wife. But imagine that same aggravation without being dulled by the love. That's where I was. I see my wife wading against the current of pain with stone faced determination, not a doubt in her eyes, meanwhile I'm behind her, trying to keep up but wanting to give up and wanting her to not be hurting.

When you cope with hardship and don't know why you're doing it resentment can find hold. Imagine my horror when I realized that's what I was feeling. I thought I was supposed to suddenly be filled with DADDLYNESS immediately upon holding my son for the first time. Wrapped in the knowledge and love that a dad is supposed to have for his child. I wasn't. I was holding this squirming human, bone tired, panicking.

This wasn't right. What's wrong with me? Am I a monster? Fear and disgust for myself set in.

I have never felt so alone in my life.

After all, there I was, watching my wife give everything she had for him and happy to do it. How could she understand? There was no question for her, so why was there for me? Clearly I'm just an awful person and she's going to catch on to that any day now.

But I continued. I did what I could to help and fight the resentment that was fortifying itself. If I couldn't find the love I needed to do these things from him, I realized I could pull it from somewhere else. I re-aimed my sights toward my wife.

I would do it for her. After all, I have no doubts about how much I love her.

It got easier from there. If there was a way I could make things easier for her then I could do it. I still feel awful about my feelings toward my son, even now, but at least I am helping now.

Aidan has made it a lot easier to love him. He's still pushing my wife and I to the threshold of exhaustion, sure, but two days ago he started making little noises. On purpose. He actually seems happy to see me now.

Holy crap, has he been in there this whole time? Happy to be held by me but completely unable to share it?

Hello, Aidan. It's nice to finally meet you. I hope you can forgive me for being such an ass.
Posted July 16, 2013 at 11:30 pm
Another time compression of the comic drawing process is up. Enjoy. Sorry about the 2 minutes starting at the 6 minute mark where the stream is paused. I'll see if I can't edit that out later.

Posted July 9, 2013 at 12:07 pm
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Click to Enlarge"];_;[/caption]

When I was working in San Fransisco, my office was actually right across the street from the CNET building.  This was before

It wasn't until the site was well established that I was introduced to the personalities of Whiskey Media by a co-worker. Since then, I've pretty much have had their videos and podcasts running on a side monitor at all hours while I work. I like having that noise as it reminded me of my times growing up and playing video games with my friends late into the night; Something adulthood hasn't had nearly enough supply of in comparison.

That's why I feel like I've lost a friend with Ryan Davis's passing even though we've never so much as exchanged a word. I've always wanted to get together a quick sketch or a fan art for those guys as a thank you. After all, I love getting fan art myself. I had fun making the above one, it's just a shame it took loss to get me to take the time to do it.

You're already missed, Ryan. I hope where ever you are, it's TUUUUUUUESDAY.

Posted July 9, 2013 at 11:26 am
Just want to give a quick link to an piece written about me. Jose San Mateo contacted me and we did a 'quick' chat. He wrote some of it down in article format and now you can read it. Nice chap, though I personally think he needs to double check a few lines;
"Like clockwork, a new comic shows up every single week..."

Hah! Oh man. If only... If only...
Posted June 17, 2013 at 08:34 pm


I'm glad Jes and I had this comic ready in the queue for this day. Thursday, June 14th, my wife gave birth to my first son. Only yesterday did we get him home. At the time of this writing, he's sleeping in a my lap, coo'ing to the gentle bass of Jeremy Soule. Talk about surreal.

I don't really have much to share about this new chapter of my family's life, given it just now got started. I'm sure there will be comics about it though.

I will share though, that these ear buds are life savers. I wish I had them when I was going to shows in SF. They don't really quiet or muffle your hearing, but they do take the edge off. My son can be screaming next to my head (or the smoke alarm for that matter) and it's no problem at all. Yet I can still hear him huff out a sleepy breath from eight feet away. If you have tender ears, and are in the market to abuse them, get these.


This game couldn't have come out at a better time for me. The hours I have spent in the hospital waiting for one reason or another has been dulled thanks to the delightful charm of this game. I haven't played one of these since the initial release in college, so there's a lot new for me.

Really though, the main attraction for me has been the pixel editor. Feel free to enjoy some of my favorite creations;

Share them all you like, I really don't care about credit. They were just fun to make.

I hope I unlock the barber soon...

(Dream Suite: 5600-2138-1795)


It feels like an eternity ago, but at one point, I was in college. It was there I met a handful of very talented artists who would expand my knowledge of the digital craft by leaps and bounds. The most notable artist for me was Maury Mountain III.

Just recently he updated his portfolio site. It's pretty epic. Chances are, if you've played games in the last ten years, you've interacted with his works. Want to make game art? Check out what you got to compete with! This guy's shadow is long.

It was amazing how just a few little tricks that he showed me would so drastically alter my process. I can't say I really talk with him much any more as I'm just terrible at keeping communication lines open. Shame really. Who knows what else I could have learned from him in these last ten+ years! heh
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